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Sunday, January 07, 2018

Sunday Walk

A great day so far -- a full night's sleep for a change, short letters off to my pen pals, our usual long Sunday stroll down Piedmont Avenue to breakfast at our favorite diner, then a short jaunt to Mountain View cemetery, one hill like a drunken costume party with a European castle, an Egyptian Pyramid, a re-staged Calvary, a Greek temple, here an obelisk, there a stone sphere, leaning to and fro as the soil was roiled by earthquakes and settling... all so strange, so quiet, so lovely. Then I found my Driver's License right after I had finally reconciled myself to the fact that I had really lost it -- it was like enacting Tolkein's "On Fairy Stories," help unlooked-for arrives in the magical universe! Tonight we're watching some Miss Marple and another episode of Space: 1999... A lovely day!

1 comment:

jollyspaniard said...

Walking is one of the best things you can do to clear the mind. I've done a great deal of it including lots of multi day solo hikes in the back country.

Unfortunately the English winter can conspire to make walking uncomfortable now matter how well you're dressed for extended periods of time. A gale blowing off the ocean isn't fun even if you're wearing a wet suit.