Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Sunday, August 30, 2009


I will simply note along with many others this morning that it really is distressing and even a bit surreal to hear supposedly respectable people on supposedly respectable television programs chatting gaily away about whether or not torture "works." People in suits in gleaming sets interspersed with commercials for the titanic social institutions of the day, and it's all torture blah blah this slavery blah blah that murder blah blah oh you, so very serious, so very droll... I mean, I know after eight years of observing these people giggling and gossiping their way through a Killer Clown Administration that assumed the reins of government in an actually illegal coup-d'etat (oh, never mind that) and then looted billions and handed them over to the already rich via palpably irresponsible tax cuts then started an illegal immoral war and occupation based on flagrant lies in order to steal even more for the rich, and dismantled Constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties while decrying critics as unpatriotic, I guess I really should be beyond shock at the Sunday shows at this point. Somehow, I'm not.

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