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Friday, November 07, 2008

Yeah, Because We All Know Those Out of State Mormon Bigots Who Poured Millions Into Prop 8 Were Black

African Americans are not the reason Prop 8 succeeded, stop saying that. 13% of the Population, but 100% of the Problem? It's patently ridiculous, and frankly racist. Stop it, stop it, stop it.


Anonymous said...

13% of the population is the national average. Here in CA, blacks people are only 6.2% of the population according to the 2000 census.

Dale Carrico said...

You're right! Thanks, Eric.

Anonymous said...

Dale, at your request I've avoided posting comments to your blog. However, I'll temporarily disregard your request to mention that a significant minority of Mormons donated time and money to the effort to defeat prop 8.

Dale Carrico said...

As happened with the whole racist Mark of Shem business -- and, I suppose, one could also say the same about the whole business polygamy business -- I expect the Elders will have a fortuitous "revelation" soon enough that will walk back the homophobic energies that funneled so much money and organization into Proposition 8ate.

As weird UFO cults go I have always viewed the Mormons as among the more savvily pragmatic ones (along with Roman Catholicism), and hence rather more likely to thrive over the longer haul.

I daresay it is in part our awareness of this pragmatic streak that impels many activists to focus our public ire so incisively in the direction of the icky Mormon contribution to this act of organized bigotry -- that pragmatism is likely to render our protest especially productive.

But, by all means, two cheers at least to the substantial minority of Mormons who resisted the homophobia of the more substantial majority with whom they nonetheless identify all the same.

We are few of us either all darkness or all lightness in our souls, needless to say. Still, we can and indeed should point our fingers at the ones who do wrong when they do it, else how likely are they to stop or are we to direct our energies properly to right our course?